many chobots might know this hiding place:
the room is the cinema (but not the place
were you can watch youtube videos)
im in the corner.
now go under the chat bar.
1st go to the right corner have your
dance bar open. Then click the left
corner and while your in the middle
of the chat bar click the dance Im that
button. ghost guy under the chat bar.
This is really a glitch or any cheat.
but you might not of known that you
can go to the roof of the
MakeYourOwnHouse Shop.
Now ill show you a place were your not supposed to
be able to be on.
Theres a place were you'r able to click.
(at the cafestreet)
Heres a other place were your not suppsed to be able to be.
Here's a large spot were you are able to click .
Now how to make a long neck its quite simple
1st go to cafe street then take a ball go ontop of the tree
then throw the ball at the tree and youll get a long neck
but if you have this beta jacket that gonna happend.
once I get 20 followers ill give out my best glitches/cheats and 1 that NO one knows except me and mikael100.
you might know all of these already.